We create a wide variety of items, such as tote bags and pouches, from an abundance of different materials, such as light and soft non-woven fabrics and felt, textiles such as canvas and sheeting, and waterproof materials like polyvinyl chloride. They are more durable than paper or plastic bags, and can be reused in daily life, so they're effective in maintaining a constant brand image.
Realization through Various Materials, Shapes and Processing
We provide materials, shapes, and processing that suits how the bag will be used. We're able to flexibly meet client needs with hand manufacturing and advanced technologies, which only needlework products have, and we can produce high-specification products that can be freely adjusted according to the materials. We offer reusable bags that are not just environmentally friendly and easy to use, but that are also designed to be used as a main bag for everyday use. In addition, we actively use Eco Mark certified materials, such as natural unbleached cotton and recycled plastic bottle textiles. These products are overflowing with originality, and can be used as sales promotion incentives or gifts at events as a way to show off your company's brand.